- Free Mammograms- Call Desert Sierra Breast Cancer Partnership at 909-697-6565
- Eat more Soy: Zo Flax and Soy cereals are a great start for breakfast, get a free copy of the Zo Healthy Meal Plans at www.zoefoods.com
- Deal with Hot flashes and Night sweats without taking pills or hormones: Menowear clothing line is made with a special fabric called Powerdry- see www.menowear.com for more information
- Sleep is essential to good health, but you don't want to age your face while you sleep, check out www.facesaverpillow.com for a great book and special pillow.
- Relaxation is important to your health also, aromatherapy is perfect for detoxing relaxing and improving overall health. Go to www.faceyourbody.com for aromatherapy.
- Improve your eating habits, even if you do not want to cook for yourself. A personal chef is an easy, healthy and inexpensive alternative to eating out all the time. Call Rescue Chef Lois Emery at 909-262-3424
- Learn self care with Choosing Health by Dr. Force. This Functional Self-care Workbook that comes with a CD in the back! Order yours today at www.theelementsofhealth.com
- Remember your spirit with Beth Terry's Book Walking in a Crowd of Angels- find yours at www.bethterry.com
- If Midlife ills are your challenge, look at the Midlife Bible by Dr. Michael Goodman, it's available at bookstores.
- Get a free relaxation CD from The Wright Place TV Show made by www.mentalefficiency.com - just email your name and address to cd@wrightplacetv.com - while supplies last!
By Dr. Letitia S. Wright, D.C.